Professional Associations


ADR    CIArb    CPR    ICC    TCAS


Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

  • Fellow

CPR Institute for Dispute Prevention and Resolution

  • Member of Panel of Distinguished Neutrals

International Center for Dispute Resolution

  • Panel Member


  • Former Member ICC Commission
  • Former Member Canadian Nominating Committee
  • Former Member Canadian Exec. Comm.

NAFTA 2022 Committee

  • Canadian Member and Co-Chair of Task Force on Forms of Arbitration Agreement in the NAFTA Region

CIETAC (China International Economic Trade and Arbitration Commission)

  • Member of Panel of Arbitrators

SIETAC (Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission)

  • Member of Panel of Arbitrators

ADR Institute of Canada

  • Chartered Arbitrator
  • Member of Training Task Force
  • Past Editor in Chief of the Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal

Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto

  • Founding Member

Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society

  • Founding Member

International Bar Association

  • Past Chair of the International Litigation Committee of the Section on Business Law

Osgoode Hall Law School

  • Assistant Instructor in LLM and JD programs
  • Former Lecturer in Civil Procedure

ADR Chambers

  • Former Member and Former Co-Chair ADR Chambers Commercial and International Panels

Uniform Law Conference of Canada

  • Member of International Arbitration Legislation Advisory Board

The Law Society of Upper Canada

  • Barrister and Solicitor
  • Former Counsel to Complaints Review Committee

Public Accountants Council

  • Former Part-time Council Member

University of Toronto

  • Member of the first Advisory Board for the Diploma in Forensic Accounting
  • Lecturer and evaluator for the DIFA Program

The Advocates’ Society

  • Former Director

International Law Association

  • Former Director, Canadian Branch
  • Program Co-Chair 2006 Biennial Conference

Vis Moot

  • Memorial Judge
  • Adjudicator

Canadian Bar Association

  • Member

Ontario Bar Association

  • Member
  • Former Member Editorial Board “Briefly Speaking”

American Bar Association

  • Member

University Club of Toronto

  • Program Committee and Oganizer of International Legal Speakers Series

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