
Click on Asterisked Items to Download.

*Author - "International Arbitrations: Short and Sweet"
The Lawyers Weekly, February 13, 2015

*Author - "On Appeals, The Provinces Differ"
The Lawyers Weekly, December 12, 2014

*Co-Author - "Case Comment on Sattva Capital v. Creston Moly Corp [2014] S.C.J. No 53"
Lawyers Weekly, September 19, 2014

*Author - "The Jurisdiction of Tribunals to Control Counsel Conduct"
Canadian Mediation and Arbitration Journal, Vol 22, No 1, Summer 2013

*Author - "Paring Back Procedural Wrangling – an alternative to meta-disputes"
Lawyers Weekly, June 14, 2013

“Where do the costs come from?”

*Author - "Arbitration and the Rules of Evidence"
Lawyers Weekly, March 29, 2013

*Author - "Arbitration and the Development of the Law"
Lawyers Weekly, September 14, 2012

*Author - "Oral Advocacy in International Arbitration"
Lawyers Weekly, June 15, 2012

*Author - "Confidentiality in Canadian Litigation"
International Bar Association, 2012

Chapter 4, Privilege and Confidentiality: An International Handbook (2nd ed.), Greenwald and Russenberger (eds).

*Author - "Advocacy in Arbitration"
Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal, December 20, 2012

*Author - "Discovery in International Arbitration"
Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal, Spring 2011

*Author - "Enforcing Arbitration Agreements Against Non-signatory Parties"
The Lawyers Weekly, February 11, 2011

*Author - "The Dark Art of Cross-Examination"
The Lawyers Weekly, Sept 17, 2010

*Author - "Neutrality of Party-Appointed Arbitrators: Myth or Reality?"
The Lawyers Weekly, April 2, 2010

*Co-Rapporteur with Guido Cravetto - "International Dispute Resolution and Enforcement – A Comparative Analysis of WTO, VIT, ICC and Domestic Dispute Resolution"
International Bar Association, International Litigation Newsletter, April, 2009

*Author - "Arbitration: Don’t Think of it as an Alternative to Litigation"
The Lawyers Weekly, April 3, 2009

*Author - "The Enforcement of Dispute Resolution Clauses"
Arbitration Committee Newsletter, International Bar Association, March 2008

Report on Opening Session of the Arbitration Committee in Singapore, October 15, 2007.

*Author - "Litigation or Arbitration: Alternative Routes to Justice"
The Lawyers Weekly, March 28, 2008

*Co-Author - "Liability of Directors and Officers in Canada"
Yorkhill Law Publishing, 2007

William G. Horton, Martha Cook and Dera J. Nevin

*Author - "Low Threshold Set for Court Appeals of Arbitration Awards"
The Lawyers Weekly, September 14, 2007

*Co-Author - "Expert Witness Evidence in Civil Cases"

Presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Evidence Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, September 19-20, 2007. Updated version of paper previously published in the Advocates Quarterly, 2004, v. 29 p. 153.

*Author - "Experts: a View from the Trenches"
IBA Academics and Professional Development Newsletter, September 2007

Presented at the Law Society of Upper Canada Conference on Advanced Commercial Arbitration, April 30, 2007.

*Author - "How to Draft Effective Arbitration Clauses"
The Lawyers Weekly, March 30, 2007

*Author - "The Admissibility of Evidence Based on Novel Science"
The Advocates’ Quarterly, Vol. 31. p. 469, 2006

*Author - "Directors’ liability and the individual assessment of fault"
The Advocates’ Society Journal, December 2006

Formerly titled: “Differential Liability: What is a Director to Do?” Presented at conference on Threats and Opportunities: Litigating under the OBCA/CBCA, Ontario Bar Association, Toronto, Ontario, Monday, May 1, 2006.

*Author - "Canadian Arbitration Jurisprudence: An Update"
IBA Legal Practice Division Arbitration Committee Newsletter, Vol.11, No. 2, P.7, September 2006

Co-Author - "Canada Chapter, The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration 2006"
Global Legal Group Ltd., London, P. 79-85, 2006

*Author - "The Freedom to Draft your own Procedures in Arbitration has Limits"
The Lawyers Weekly, March 31, 2006

Author - "Computer-Based Forensic Investigations"
Blakes Bulletin on Litigation, May 2005

Co-Author - "Confidentiality in Canadian Litigation"
The Advocates’ Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 4, P. 381, March 2005

Co-Author - "The Use of Expert Witness Evidence in Civil Cases"
The Advocates’ Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 2, P. 153, October 2004

*Author - "Scalability in Arbitration: Make the Rules Fit the Ruckus"
The Lawyers Weekly, September 10, 2004

*Author - "What I Want From the Court of Appeal"
The Advocates’ Society Journal, P. 3, September 2004

Author - "Directors’ and Officers’ Transactions with the Corporation"
Blakes Bulletin on Litigation, September 2004

Co-Author - "The Class Action Settlement: An Overview"
Class Action Journal, Federated Press, March 31, 2003

*Author - "ADR in Canada: Options for the appropriate resolution of business disputes"
The Advocates’ Society Journal, September 2002

*Author - "Arbitration Clauses: Points to Ponder"
The Advocates’ Society Journal, December 2000

Co-Editor - "Litigation Issues in the Distribution of Securities: An International Perspective"
Kluwer Law International, 1997

William G. Horton and Gerhard Wegen (eds). Contents: Chapter on Liability for Misrepresentation in the Distribution of Securities in Canada, William G. Horton and Kathryn J. Manning.

Legal Editor - "An Introduction to Investigative and Forensic Accounting Practice Issues"
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, 1995

Gerard B. McInnis, et al. (authors), William G. Horton, et al. (legal eds), Toronto.

Author - "Insolvency litigation strategy: high speed tactics in a high stakes game."
Canadian Institute, 1994

Toronto, Ont.

Co-Author - "Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation"
Graham & Trotman, 1994

Anthony Colman (ed), London. Contents: Chapter on Canada, Horton, William G.; Dansereau, Stephane; and Goulden, James H.

Co-Author - "Agent’s and broker’s liability: how it can arise and how to prevent it."
62 Assurances 455-479, Cite: (Oct. 1994)

William G. Horton and Diane L. Evans

Co-Editor - "Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Worldwide (2nd edition)"
Graham & Trotman, 1993

Charles Platto and William G. Horton (eds), London.

Co-Author - "International Liability of Corporate Directors"
Lloyds of London Press, 1993

Dennis Campbell and Christian Campbell (eds), Chapter on Canada, London. New edition will be published fall of 2007.

Author - "The Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in Ontario"
11 Advocates’ Q. 89-116, Cite: (1988/89)

Horton, William G.

Author - "Taking and enforcing guarantees"
1 Nat Creditor D Rev 2:4-11, Cite: (1986)

Horton, William G.

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